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Will Eating Peaches Really Give You Peach Skin?

Pimples On Chin

Yes, well actually it will. For the beauty of the skin comes from within.

The skin is not just a container that holds your body together. The skin is also an excellent little snitch that tells if there is stuff in the body, which could be different. Did you for example know, that pimples on the chin tells about your endocrine system? Spots, rashes and other symptoms could be signs, that the liver needs help to fight saturated fats and too much cake, candy, soda, strange preservatives, food colors and everything else that we eat or drink in our everyday lives.

Or the stuff that we don't eat. For the skin cannot function without two to three liters of water every day. It shrinks like an old apricot. Water brings nutrients to the skin, but it also cleans out the many waste products that we either cannot avoid because they are a natural part of the body's metabolism, or the ones we volunteer to fill us with, because we just cannot help but eat chips, fries and chocolate.

A healthy skin depends very much on the input of nutrients and the removal of waste products, and it involves the whole digestion, liver, kidneys, endocrine system and circuit - indeed virtually all organs.

Healthy skin through food

We know it already. Lots of vegetables and fruit every day, less fried meat, more delicate herbal oils and a lot of fish. But is that what we eat? Do we eat lots of vegetables and fruit every day, so we automatically get the important antioxidants for the skin? And so that we get many other plant substances to prevent, alleviate or regulate skin moisture, immune system and connective tissue? Vital substances, which ensures that the waste substances are emitted to the liver and kidneys rather that we use the skin as a garbage can?

If the damage has already occurred, it may be difficult to eat yourself to a healthy skin. It takes a long time, but there are actually some shortcuts. Researchers have been busy and we already knows, that dietary supplements of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, fatty acids and herbal substances can make a difference. A cure of two to three months starts a positive process, but it takes 10 days for a single layer of skin cells to renew itself, so a little patience is needed.

Active ingredients for a skin that would like to be younger.

There is much research on the so-called antioxidants. Very small but highly active substances, which prevents a lot of free oxygen radicals to hurtle around in the body. The free oxygen radicals are created when we breathe, exercise or eat. But it is also our food, which gives us the tools to stop the troublemakers in our body.

If we want to keep our skin young, it's a good idea to find the following antioxidants:

Lycopene from tomatoes. Pycnogenol from French pine. Grape seed extract, all of which counteracts aging. Vitamin C strengthens connective tissue and the immune systems and also helps with the drainage of toxins. B vitamins will ensure that all processes in the body is progressing normally. And a healthy skin cannot be created without it. If your skin looks tired, spotted or dry, zinc and silicon can make a difference. Cleansing and re-building the skin with herbs

Nature's treasure chest includes an abundance of herbs, which we can clean out and build up the skin with. Herbs that help the liver to break down wastes. Herbs which aids our digestive system, which strengthens the kidneys in their cleansing and promotes the circulation of small delicate blood vessels out in the outermost layer of our bodies. Herbs, when working together can make a big difference on a tired or hypersensitive skin. Find a good cleansing product with various herbs and follow the cleansing procedure for at least a month.

Oils will create healthy skin for younger and older

The healthy fatty acids are a chapter apart. Every time we eat the unhealthy fats, we lack the healthy ones from nuts, fish and plant oils to promote circulation in the skin, so there are no redness, dryness, wrinkles, irritation and inflammation. A healthy skin simply cannot be created without the right fats. The fatty acids are also vital for endocrine, nervous system and not least the cardiovascular system.

To do something from within - find your way through the jungle of nutritional supplements

Already from when we are twenty years of age, our body begin to degenerate. Scary but true. The body is finished with its construction, and must now use its resources to maintain what it created. The body may require extra help, but how much is an individual matter. Should we already as 22-year olds start to think about how our skin will look like when we are 40? Look around in your family. Does your grandmother have healthy apple cheeks, nice smooth skin and a wonderful glow, then you may not need to do much. Is your family more wrinkled, is the skin too lax or do they still suffer from acne, then you need to make a difference now.

Drink plenty of water, eat healthy foods, as described above and complement with vitamin and mineral supplements. Health food store knows what supplements are the strongest products and thus has the largest content of vitamins and minerals. Use herbs that have a positive effect on the general cleansing and rebuilding of the skin for two to three months. Have your skin already reached the wrinkled apricot stage, there are products that are developed for this purpose too. Ask your health nutrition specialist them for advice.

Check list for all ages:

Before you visit the store, you should make your own deliberations. The better you know your own skin and your body, the better the health diet can help you. As you've already seen, it is not only the skin that needs to be treated, but the body as a whole. You may need help:

If there are accumulations of waste products, which is virtually always a result of a sluggish bowel function, or a little too much water in the body. If your endocrine system doesn't function optimally. Optimal means, among other things, that you and your body is fine before, during and after menstruation. Everything else can suggest that we need a little assistance. If your skin isn't clean and pure - even in adolescence. If your skin only retains moisture with large quantities of daily body lotion. If there are blotches, splotches, or oily skin without a fresh complexion. Check list for the young skin that are not doing so well

Fries, burgers, colas, candy, chips must out of everyday life and should be saved for special occasions. Otherwise, hormones, liver, intestines and the skin will be screaming for positive attention. You can wash yourself in all kinds of disinfectants, but it does not help on the original causes. Even if you have not yet reached the "repair age", you can ask yourself the same questions as in the previous section. Especially you should consider whether your skin needs help the entire month, or whether it only shows its problems occasionally.

A single pimple that occur just before a date can be dealt with from the outside, while more chronic problems require help from the inside. In the health food store they are used to hearing about relaxing guts, fungus under your nails or other problems you may think are a little too intimate to discuss over the counter. But just do it. They will be more than happy to assist you, whether your skin is young or old.

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